Use these links to get more information about
Companies registered in the official Italian Business Register
Procedures and regulations regarding Business registration and other simplified administrative procedures for businesses (in Italian)
How to request Licences and permits from municipal authorities (other than the Business Register)
The provincial Chambers of Commerce offer information, services and support to citizens and businesses on a variety of topics such as entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation and local and european company law (in Italian)
Choosing the type of Italian company most suitable for your needs - National Council of Notaries
Access information and online services on tax obbligations for citizens, workers, businesses and professionals; at the web site of the Italian Revenue Agency
Posting of workers in Italy from other EU member states
Registering your employees with INAIL the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work to safeguard workers against physical injuries and occupational diseases
Registering your employees with INPS, the Italian National Social Security Institute in order to guarantee the correct handling of their retirement plans (in Italian)
information the ATECO service (in Italian) offers businesses and professionals an overview of the administrative procedures required to set up and exercise their activity in Italy.
the website of the National Council of Accountants and Tax advisor (CNDCEC) for setting up and running the business
one-to-one assistance (email)