Q: I would like to sell hand-made crafts in Italy on a temporary basis during the Christmas holidays, not from a stand, but as itinerant trade. Do I need a license?
A: As a matter of principle, the activity at stake is regulated in Italy (art. 28 and followings, D.Lgs. 31 marzo 1998 n. 114, as modified by d. lgs. 59/2010) and it requires authorisation since it involves occupation of public soil. Local rules may impose further limits, for instance with regard to specific areas (such as historical centre). The activity may also be exercised in the form of cross-border provision of services, for instance in the framework of a temporary exhibition (“fiera”). In this case it is not necessary to obtain an authorisation, it is sufficient to submit a prior notice (SCIA: “segnalazione certificata di inizio attività”) to the competent local authority (“Comune”).
The activity is subject to the fulfilment of personal requirements, such as lack of criminal proceedings (art. 71, d. lgs. 59/2010), and it shall be practiced by means of vehicles. The procedure is managed by the local authority of the district where the activity is going to be started. The holder of the licence is entitled to door-to-door selling as well. The licence is valid on the whole national territory.
Contact details and website of the competent authority, as well as application forms and list of documents to be submitted, can be found at the following web page: Local authorities for licences and permits
Last update 22/02/2023