Frequently asked questions about doing business in Italy

Q: I am an entrepreneur based in Czech Republic. Can I provide cross-border building services in Italy? Do I need a special permit?

A: Construction services may involve different requirements depending on the activity which is going to be performed. As a matter of principle, mason and carpenter activities are not regulated in Italy and they do not require a specific professional qualification; they are considered as craftsman activity. Building surveyors and engineers are regulated professions which require a prior declaration to be submitted to the competent authority.

Please note that in Italy building activity is mainly regulated by d.P.R. 6 giugno 2001, n. 380 (Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia edilizia). Article 6 of d.P.R. n. 380/2001 lists all the building activities which do not require prior involvement of the competent authority, while art. 10 of d.P.R. n. 380/2001 lists the activities which require prior authorisation by the competent authority (“permesso di costruire”). Art. 22 of d.P.R. n. 380/2001 lists the building activities which require prior notice (“denuncia di inizio attività”) to the competent authority.

In order to carry on building activities, it might thus be necessary to submit the required documentation concerning the works to the competent local authority (“Comune”) where they are going to be performed. All relevant regional legislation as well as application forms and sample declarations regarding construction works are available at the Point of Single Contact (“Sportello Unico”) managed by the competent local authority. The website of the competent authority can be searched through the following web page: Local authorities for licences and permits

Even for activities which do not require a professional qualification, legislation on security and safety, environmental protection, fire prevention, energy efficiency etc shall be complied with. Further requirements regarding safety and security at work are listed in d. lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81 (Testo unico in materia di tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro).


Last update 22/02/2023